Thursday, October 22, 2015

Florence, Day 2

We began today by sleeping late and flooding the entire room by spending forever in the shower.  We've managed to splash water all over the place in most of our hotel rooms, because Italians seem to favor half glass walls instead of shower curtains, but this one has a whole door, and this is by far the biggest flood we've achieved yet.  We're talking water running out of the bathroom and into the rest of the room here people.

This is also the only hotel room so far that has had any English-speaking tv besides the news, so I watched some awful shows last night and totally have to see "Rush" (USA show about a druggie concierge doc, not the movie about racecar drivers) when we get back.  I've also seen several Law and Order episodes in Italian.

Our bike tour for tomorrow has been cancelled because we were the only ones signed up, so we're looking into other options there.  I guess most bike tourists come on a specialized bike tour, and I was unimpressed that we were going to have to ride single bikes instead of a tandem anyway, so whatever.

We're hanging out in the hotel bar waiting on lunch, then we have to go talk to the concierge about tours, then we really must get to an ATM, and then we're riding the 2:15 shuttle back downtown for another day poking around Florence.

We are VERY ambitious tourists today, lol.

Marty and Lyle


  1. Who doesn't love a long, hot shower?!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Had to delete this post because my Italian is not up to snuff.

  3. Appena che cosa stavate due facendo che doccia che ha causato così tanto gli schizzi?! (inquiring minds (aka nibby minds) want to know)

    1. Who took the pic of the four sisters? LOL.

      We weren't even splashing that much, the showers just lack the design expertise of ours.

  4. Are we actually supposed to believe that from two people who are on their honeymoon???
