Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Spain, Day 5

We're all alive and we had a great time.

Nerves this morning weren't as bad as expected.  We met the group in the hotel lobby and got shuttled into town and then walked into the bull run area.  It was still early and we hung out and watched all the people for quite a while.  Lyle and Ryan came down and said hello.  Spyns takes really good care of their runners.

We went down to the alcove where they put the statue of San Fermin, and did the prayer with the locals and the rest of the crowd.  Luckily, they brought around newspapers with the prayer, because otherwise we'd have been totally hopeless.

Lyle watched from another balcony while the three of us found positions along the course.  For me, the run was anticlimactic.  People were panicked, running, shoving each other, I had a quick glimpse of the steers and then everything was over and we just jogged into the stadium for the running of the cows.

Once the bulls have been corralled, they release a cow to come out and let the runners taunt.  One cow at a time teaches the runners to show some respect.  They release five or so cows.  Rob got close enough to get bumped, and a lot of other idiots got tossed around a bit.  The only real problem we saw was a girl that didn't get out of the way and seemed to hit her head on the ground when she fell.  She was carried out quickly and passed over the wall to (presumably) get help from the waiting EMTs.

As each cow is released, a group of runners lies down in front of the gate to let her jump over them.  Rob and I did this and got a lot of attention from the rest of the group who thought that was crazy.

When the fun with cows was over, we found our way back to the rendezvous bar, checked in with Ryan, had a quick drink, and then headed off for hot chocolate and churros on the way back to the shuttle.  Once we'd gotten back to the hotel we had a mediocre breakfast here and then showers and naps.

We met the shuttle again this evening to ride over to the bullfight.  Having seen this once, I think I have seen enough, but it was an interesting cultural experience and I don't regret having gone.  We did see a matador perform well enough to be awarded both ears, so I guess we got a good show.

After the bullfights, we walked over to where Spyns had arranged dinner and had a very nice several course meal and also saw the fireworks.  Rebecca and Rob stayed downtown to enjoy the festival, and Lyle and I have retired to the hotel.

Rob and I are running again tomorrow before we depart Pamplona for Madrid.

MartyandLyle (and Rebecca and Rob)


  1. Really glad this wasn't one of y'all:

  2. I am glad you are all ok 😀😀😀😀
